BEPP - Medical Assistante Reimagined

Bepp is a project from Mexico, a disruptive, globally scalable model that seeks to promote convenience between the health sector and users. The digital platforms (web and app) allow the system to create an ecosystem between. medical institutions, users and pharmacies, making it possible to give better support to the ones in need.

Bepp was built on three pillars; a financial column, a technology column and a Health column. The experience of these three industries has resulted in the integration of what is now Bepp, Best Pharmacy Price.

Project review

Year: 2022 - 2023

Scope of work: User Experience, User Interface

Duration of Project: 7 months

Phase 1: Doctors & Medical Units

Bepp is a price comparator that allows users to purchase pharmaceutical drugs at the best price. On the doctors side, it allows medical staff to have control of their patients, issue digital prescriptions, have their medical records at hand, manage everything under an ERP and connect even their own offices.

Phase 2: Pharmacies & Delivery Platforms

This was the really important point of connection to BEPP, since it is a price comparator. During this phase, I designed the back office for all pharmacies: main dashboard with number of requests, delivery people availability, number of sales, revenue, etc.

Phase 3: App Users

Although we simultaneously developed this part, for organization purposes let’s pretend it was a different phase of the project :) here, we designed every possible flow for users that need to book an appointment with a doctor, need to buy a product, schedule a medical exam, see their receipts, favourite deliver locations and all of those little details we know every app needs in order to make users’ journeys flawless.


XYZClose - Brand identity & Website development

